The nerds of the anime world, living in the Akihabara province of Tokyo, Japan, are able to enjoy cross-dressing (transvestism, aka "crossdressing for the purpose of sexual arousal) maids who serve them cake and tea at local cafe's. There are even private rooms where your "maid" will rub your hands or legs, or other parts. These nerds spend so much time on the computer, they are reported to be unable to sustain normal relationships with other people. These reported repressed, schizotypical and socially impaired individuals also enjoy something called "ani mate" or a computer program which simulates an actual romantic relationship, conflicts and all. I'm trying to find a link for it, but have so far been unsuccessful. BTW, transvestism should not be confused with transexualism, or someone who identifies and wants to become someone of the opposite sex through reassignment surgery (thank you EPPP).

Yes, Tokyo as I'm discovering, is an interesting place. They also sport something called cat cafe's, where individuals can pay 8 to 12 dollars an hour to stroke a cat. Akihabara residents (yes, the same anime nerds) report that limited living spaces, long hours at work, and stressful jobs make the cat cafe a relaxing place to come during their lunch hour. It's good to know, however; that there are no private rooms in the cat cafe's.
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